Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Home Should Be A Place Of Harmony and Relaxation

I am at my wits end on clutter and un-organization in my home.  This past year has been crazy busy to say the least.  I used to be a fairly organized and clutter-free person.  However, working very long hours and being a mother again to a little one leaves little time to keep everything in my home picked-up and organized.  As far as my husband helping...forget it!  He has never been organized and lays everything on anything that has a flat surface.  I tried hiring someone to clean our home but that didn't work out too well.   We would have to make a mad dash to pick-up the clutter (toys, mail, paperwork) before the house cleaner came. There were two times we didn't have time to do it, so we canceled the appointment.  The house cleaner then filled our weekly space with someone else.

I've heard and have read that clutter causes stress and clutters your mind.  I can attest that is true!  It is so stressful when I'm in a hurry to leave for an appointment and can't find something I need.  Going on an all look-out search for something does stress me out.   When I am working in my home office and there are stacks of paperwork all over my desk, I literally cannot think straight.  Plus, I cannot fully relax in my home with a cluttered environment.  I like my home to be very neat and tidy.  

So I have decided we are not going to live like last year, this year.  I don't think I could anyway!  I can just imagine sitting down to a clean desk with a clear mind being able to work effortlessly not having to worry about the clutter and chaos that has built up around me.  So what's a girl to do?  I turned to the internet for help and googled "organization tips" and "how to get rid of clutter".   I know I'm not the only person with this dilemma.  Remember, I show houses.  So I wanted to share what I learned.

One article started out with this paragraph.  "Is clutter driving you crazy?  (YESAn organized lifestyle can mean efficiency in your day and a more relaxing time while at home. (I knew it!)  

I liked this site because of the tips and at the bottom of the page are links to specific areas, such as home office, kitchen, laundry room, etc.

Link for your home:

Link for your home office:

Link for your laundry room:

Link for your bathroom:

So my goal this year is to make my home a haven again, like the following quote from

"Your home is where you live…not just physically, but emotionally.  It should be your pleasure to open your eyes each morning and walk through your door each evening...coming home to a place of harmony and relaxation."

I feel better already!  Hope this helps anyone who would like their home the same way too.

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